API Reference


Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks which create notifications by Atlas events to destination systems.

Webhook Topics

account.customer.linkedACCOUNTSubscribe to customer linked to an account changes
account.customer.unlinkedACCOUNTSubscribe to customer ulinked from an account changes
conversationCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation changes
conversation.agentCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation agent changes
conversation.tagsCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation tag changes
conversation.custom_fieldCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation custom field changes
conversation.statusCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation status changes
conversation.priorityCONVERSATIONSubscribe to conversation priority changes
customerCUSTOMERSubscribe to customer changes
customer.identifyCUSTOMERSubscribe to customer changes
customer.createdCUSTOMERSubscribe to customer changes
customer.updatedCUSTOMERSubscribe to customer changes
customer.custom_fieldsCUSTOMERSubscribe to customer custom field changes
customer_notesNOTESSubscribe to customer notes created/updated event
customer_notes.deletedNOTESSubscribe to customer notes deletion event

Webhook Security

Webhook requests will contain two headers which can be used to verify the request's authenticity:

  • X-Atlas-Webhook-Signature - the main signature base64(HMACSHA256(TIMESTAMP + BODY))
  • X-Atlas-Webhook-Signature-Timestamp - the timestamp used to verify the signature

Sign the body and signature timestamp with the webhook secret key using SHA256, then base64 encoding the resulting digest. Represented simply: base64(HMACSHA256(TIMESTAMP + BODY))

To verify the signature, create the same SHA256 HMAC signature and then compare it to the webhook payload to ensure that they match.

Python code that generates the headers

def get_webhook_signature_hash(payload: dict, secret: str, timestamp: float) -> str:
    key = secret.encode("ascii")
    msg = f"{timestamp}.{payload}".encode("ascii")
    return hmac.new(key, msg, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

Note - The webhook request body would be of the following shape

    "event": "customer_notes.deleted",
    "data": "{\"id\": \"...\", \"company_id\": \"...\", \"object_type\": \"customer\", \"object_id\": \"...\", \"text\": \"...\", \"created_by\": \"...\", \"created_at\": \"...\", \"updated_at\": \"...\", \"creator\": {...}, \"edited\": false}"

To verify the signature, the body has to be used as it is.

payload = {
    "event": "customer_notes.deleted",
    "data": "{\"id\": \"...\", \"company_id\": \"...\", \"object_type\": \"customer\", \"object_id\": \"...\", \"text\": \"...\", \"created_by\": \"...\", \"created_at\": \"...\", \"updated_at\": \"...\", \"creator\": {...}, \"edited\": false}"

timestamp = req.headers.get(X-Atlas-Webhook-Signature-Timestamp)

secret = <unique secret per webhook subscription, available in Atlas App Config>

get_webhook_signature_hash(payload, secret, timestamp)