JUMP TOIntroductionAuthenticationAtlas APIConversationsList all conversationsgetCreate conversationpostRetrieve conversationgetUpdate ConversationpostList conversation messagesgetSend Agent MessagepostAccountsList all accountsgetRetrieve one accountgetUpsert accountpostCustomersList all customersgetCreate customerpostRetrieve one customersgetUpdate customerpostUpsert customerpostHelpCenterList all the the HelpCenter categoriesgetList all the the HelpCenter articles withing a categorygetList all the the HelpCenter articlesgetGet a HelpCenter article by id or sluggetSessionsList session recordingsgetGet session recording videogetRequest session recording video with callbackpostSidebarsList all the sidebar for a conversationgetcreate a sidebarpostSend a new message in a sidebarpostConfigurationCanned ResponsesList all canned responsesgetCreate canned responsepostRetrieve one canned responsegetUpdate canned responsepostCustom FieldsList all custom fieldsgetCreate custom fieldpostRetrieve one custom fieldgetUpdate custom fieldpostSla RulesList all configured sla rulesgetCreate sla rulepostRetrieve one sla rulegetUpdate sla rulepostTagsList all the tagsgetCreate a tagpostUpdate a tagpostList all the tag groupsgetCreate a tag grouppostUpdate a tag grouppostUsersList all usersgetCreate userpostRetrieve user statusgetRetrieve one usergetUpdate userpostWebhooksIntroductionWebhooksList all the the webhook and their subscriptionsgetCreate a webhook subscriptionspostUpdate a webhook subscriptionspostList all the the webhook execution logsgetCustom EventsIntroductionCustom EventsList all the the eventsgetCreate a new custom eventpostPowered by Update a tag grouppost https://api.atlas.so/v1/tag-groups/{id}Updates a tag group