Atlas Swift SDK



Add the SDK to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'YourApp' do
  pod 'AtlasSupportSDK', '~> 0.0.6'

Run the following command in your terminal:

pod install

Open the .xcworkspace file in Xcode.


Import the SDK

In any file where you want to use the SDK, import it:

import AtlasSupportSDK

In this example, we import the SDK into HomeViewController and TabBarController because these are the two navigation points leading to the AtlasViewController.

Initialize and Configure the SDK

Call the appropriate initialization and configuration methods erly. Depends on your app architecture.

For example:


You can find YOUR_APP_ID in the Atlas application:

Presenting the Atlas Chat ViewController

The getAtlassViewController method can return an optional value. This occurs if the appId is not provided, which is required for initializing the SDK correctly.

guard let atlassViewController = AtlasSDK.getAtlassViewController() else {
    print("HomeViewController Error: Can not create AtlasSDK View Controller")
navigationController?.present(atlassViewController, animated: true)

User Identification

The Atlas SDK allows the chat to operate without identification. In this case, conversations are initiated without associating them with a specific customer. However, developers can link conversations to existing customer by calling the identify method with a valid user ID.

// Identify a user before presenting the chat
AtlasSDK.identify(userId: "UNIQUE_USER_IDENTIFIER", 
                  userHash: nil, // Required if authenication is enabled in Atlas Configuration
                  userName: "John Doe", // Optional
                  userEmail: "[email protected]") // Optional

// Proceed to present the chat
if let chatViewController = AtlasSDK.getAtlassViewController() {
    navigationController?.present(chatViewController, animated: true)


It's possible to pass query key to a getAtlassViewController to configure the behavior or content of the returned AtlasFragment. (For ex: open specified chatbot to handle possible customer request)

Default value: "" (empty string).

Expected format: "key1: value1; key2: value2; ...."

val atlasFragment = AtlasSdk.getAtlasFragment(query = "chatbotKey: report_bug; prefer: last")

chatbotKey: KEY Specifies the chatbot that has to be started immediately when AtlasFragment is loaded

prefer: last Instead of starting new chatbot everytime it will open the last not completed chatbot if exists

Handling AtlasSDK Events and Delegates

The AtlasSDK provides a flexible way to handle chat events through both delegates and closures. These mechanisms allow developers to respond to various chat-related events, such as errors, ticket creation, or conversation updates, in a structured manner.

You can add event handlers by calling the following methods:

AtlasSDK.setDelegate(self)  // Add a delegate conforming to `AtlasSDKDelegate`
AtlasSDK.setOnErroHandler(atlasErrorHandler)  // Closure for handling errors
AtlasSDK.setStatsUpdateHandler(atlasStatsUpdateHandler)  // Closure for conversation stats updates
AtlasSDK.setOnNewTicketHandler(atlasOnNewTicketHandler)  // Closure for new ticket creation

Each method appends your handler or delegate to the SDK's internal storage, allowing multiple listeners to respond to the same event.

To remove a previously added delegate or closure, use the corresponding remove methods:

AtlasSDK.removeDelegate(self)  // Remove delegate
AtlasSDK.removeOnErroHandler(atlasErrorHandler)  // Remove error handler
AtlasSDK.removeOnNewTicketHandler(atlasOnNewTicketHandler)  // Remove ticket handler
AtlasSDK.removeOnNewTicketHandler(atlasStatsUpdateHandler)  // Remove stats update handler


  • iOS 13.0 or later.
  • Swift 4.0 or later.


For issues or feature requests, contact the engineering team at [email protected] or visit the GitHub Issues page.

For more details, visit the official Atlas Support website.